Month: October 2010

Ini Dia Sony PlayStation Phone..?

Berbagai rumor kencang yang berhembus di internet tentang kehadiran Sony PlayStation Phone udah santer terdengar sejak beberapa bulan lalu, namun bentuknya sendiri masih belum banyak yang tau.

Hari ini di twitter rumor tersebut kembali berhembus dan mengirimkan Sony PSPhone ini kedalam Trending Topics hari ini. Kabarnya platform yang bakal di usung oleh ponsel gaming ini adalah Google Android 3.0, dengan beberapa spesifikasi hardware, antara lain: 1GHz Qualcomm CPU, 512MB of RAM, 1GB of ROM, and a screen “in the range of 3.7 to 4.1 inches.

Get your ass ready, gamers..

Orang ini Nikah dengan dirinya sendiri..

Chen Wei-yih. Orang ini berencana untuk melakukan pernikahan yang hampir sempurna, lengkap dengan ballroom, tamu undangan dan rencana bulan madu, nampak sempurna kan? seperti pernikahan2 biasa, namun tanpa mempelai pria. (aneh banget nih orang.. asli dehh..)

Pernikahan ini salah satu bentuk protes terhadap desakan untuk menikah yang sering dialami oleh perempuan seumuran dia (30 tahun).

Oke, whatever jangan lupa ceritain ke kita yah pengalaman malam pertamanya :p

Hacker Edun..

Gue ga ngerti bisa2nya ada (ro)bot yang nge-hack account yahoo gw (loe_is), udh beberapa bulan terakhir ini temen2 gue tanya tentang ini, dan udh beberapa bulan terakhir juga gue ga bisa login ke account tsb.
Buat gue yang jadi masalah adalah kehilangan contact temen2 di YM, untungnya beberapa temen msh ada contact cellphonenya, jd mereka pada nanya tentang chat2 aneh berbahasa inggris yang sering ditny oleh bot edan tersebut & gue jg bisa jelasin, tp beberapa temen yang kebetulan ga ada no cellphonenya yah lost contact dehh, berikut ini chat “si bot” ke istri gue:
Istri_gue, Luis Ruay

Luis Ruay: hi its been a long time :p
Luis Ruay: hi long time no talk!
Istri_gue: Who are u?
Luis Ruay: you dont even know me anymore? wow.. ok i will tell you after this test yeah?
Istri_gue: No!
Luis Ruay: I just took an IQ test here.. pretty cool :p
Istri_gue: Why u wanna give me some test, while I don’t know u
Luis Ruay: got a 113 lol… I thought I was smarter than that
Istri_gue: I guess u are not luis ruay
Istri_gue: As I know, luis doesn’t use english
Luis Ruay: you should see if you can do better than me… if u can ill buy you a drink
Istri_gue: So be honest to me, who are u?
Istri_gue: Are u a hacker?
Luis Ruay: try it… I bet you cant lol
Istri_gue: Why you did the crime?
Istri_gue: With my friend account
Luis Ruay: take it now while I take a shower lol
Istri_gue: I don’t care bout ur test
Istri_gue: I’m not interesting at all
Luis Ruay: ill be back in a few after im all fresh
Istri_gue: And I don’t care what do you wanna do
Istri_gue: Shower or fresh, I don’t care
Luis Ruay: brb, let me know your score when im back!
Istri_gue: No way man
Istri_gue: U are liar! Tutup Usia..

Hari ini gue cek email dan mendapati satu lagi startup dalam social media menghentikan layanannya, yaitu

Konsep bisnis, yaitu micro-vlogging, kurang lebih menyerupai tweet di twitter, hanya saja bentuknya yang berbeda yaitu video berdurasi 12 detik, kebayangkan status /tweet berbentuk video??

Berikut gue copas email yang dikirim oleh Sol Lipman, founder dari

Dear 12ers,

Nearly 3 years ago, David Beach and I decided to grab a beer at a local pub and talk about startup ideas. I told him a dumb idea and he told me about one called 10seconds. I said, “we should do that one.” He said, “okay.” And that was it. That is until we figured out that was already taken. 12seconds sounded pretty good to us too.

We set out on a journey that would take on a wild ride of ups and downs. We experienced birth, death and (Beach) even battled cancer.

Today we are announcing the end of 12seconds.

Why? As you probably know, everything has a life cycle. 12seconds is in its twilight. After all the new product launches and attempts at a revenue model, fundraising with VCs and late night coding sessions with Jacob hunched over his monitors – it’s time to call it. It is time to end 12seconds.

However, if 12seconds had a bucket list it would have filled it up with amazing life experiences! We launched an innovative micro-vlogging system, built crazy mobile apps, created revenue with legit sponsors, we were nominated for awards and had the best users on the Internet – our beloved 12ers.

12seconds is not a failure – it is a life well-lived. It really is about the journey. I know this because I’m at the destination.

You’re thinking, “holy crap I made like 1000 12second videos, what do I do?” Later this week, we’re going to release a download tool for you to capture those moments in time. It will be available until we pull the plug – on October 22nd.

If you have any questions or want to say goodbye, feel free to reply to this e-mail or click here ( to wish us all well.

There were a lot of team members and users who made 12seconds an incredible experience. I can’t possibly list them all here but you know who you are. Finally, to my co-founders Beach and Jacob – I love you guys.

Sol Lipman